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Tell us about a foodbank Foodbank not on here? We want to know!
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Manage my Foodbank Update needs, Send notifications, manage foodbank
About Information on our app
Urgent Needs
Drop Off points
My Foodbank
My Donations
All Foodbanks
Manage Foodbank
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Looks like you're currently offline or we can't get a stable internet connection. This means we will revert to offline data and some functions may not work.
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Contact us
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Report a problem
Use this form to send us messages. If you are having any problems or believe any of the data is wrong then please do let us know. We read ALL these messages.
Alternatively, just let us know if you've got anything you'd like to see in our app too.
We try and automatically obtain your latest needs and drop off points. However to manage your foodbank directly on our app we need an authorised person from the Foodbank to become the administrator of the record and ensure that the list of required items is up to date.
Our app is free for all. BanktheFood is supported by donations and Mustard new media. This means there is no costs to the individual foodbanks themselves.
Powerful use of modern technology, of which:
Users get notified as they are walking into a shop of what you need right now
Users get to see in real-time what things you need help with
Users can see what you DON'T need
Manage your foodbank current needs via your mobile, tablet or PC
Request to be an administrator
Welcome to Help My Foodbank. First of all we need to know your location to find the nearest Foodbank for you..
Help your local Foodbank!
We need your help. Urgently.
Did you know, most foodbanks don't have enough food, or too much of one item and not enough of another?
You can help sort this.
This app will tell you which items the foodbank needs. And crucially, as you are walking past the drop off point.
Would you like notifications of what your foodbank is short of?
In order for us to send you notification when you are at the supermarket, we need to ensure the app is always available.
So we need to tweak your power settings to allow the app to carry one. Please press the change battery settings and click "OK". Dont worry, we only require a tiny amount of power!
Add/edit the locations of the food drop off bins. NOTE: This is an important part of the app. Users will be automatically notified of your needs as they walk into these drop off locations
Edit the details of the foodbank.
O/S Verifications
Show Performance
Find a Foodbank
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Post code
Getting started: Use your location
We will use location in the background to show you real-time foodbank needs as you walk into a supermaket.
For that to work reliably on the next screen please choose: 'always see your location'
For that to work reliably on the next screen please please allow location and notifications
Apple will ask again in a few mins to “always allow”.
It’s Safe. Just your device will see the location. Not us.
But if you'd rather not, just run up the app manually to see what's needed.
Show Food bank
For more details on how careful we are with location mode read more here
Getting started: Location preferences
On the next screen the app will ask for some location permissions.
Please choose: 'always see your location'. It's just your device and Google that will see it. Not us.
On the next screen please allow location and notifications
Apple will ask again a few mins later to “always allow”.
It's just your device and Apple that will see location. Not us
For more details on how careful we are with location mode read more here
But if you still rather not, that's ok, it just means you'll need to run up the app to see what's needed.
Getting started: Location preferences
We make use of a location feature where we simply say “when the user is near these address points, notify them”. does the rest.
This means the only time our backend systems see your location is the very first step, which is to just match a nearest foodbank to you. And even at this point no human can see this data, and it is not stored.
We also use gold standard industry providers for database storage. If by some amazing feat someone did hack us, they wouldn't find anything out about you. As the only thing stored is your email address and that's only if you register.
Getting started: Notification preferences
In order to send you notifications when you are near supermarkets, we need to request a few more settings.
Please make sure you choose “always allow”.
But if you rather not, that's ok.
Next Step
There are no Foodbanks near you
Insert a postcode and we'll show you Foodbanks nearby
Tell us about your local Foodbank
We are on a mission. Our aim is to have every food bank in the country overflowing with EXACTLY the type of food and resources they need so that no one goes hungry. Help us help the food banks achieve this.
We do not charge food banks to use this app. It is 100% free and always will be. If you are a food bank and would like to know how you can list your food bank on BanktheFood email us directly on info@bankthefood.org.
You haven't set up any donation goals so far. Increase your rating with donations and help.... And don't worry, we'll help you to keep on track every month.
Increase your rating with donations and help.... And don't worry, we'll help you to keep on track every month.
Food ()
Cash ()
Time ()
Other ()
Food Donation Goal
How many items would you like to donate per month?
Don’t forget that food banks also accept essential non-food items such as toiletries and hygiene products
Cash Donation Goal
How much money would you like to donate per month?
£10 could help give a parent peace of mind that their family will not go hungry tonight.
£20 could help support someone take their first steps out of poverty.
£50 could help us give more people a place to turn to in times of crisis.
Time Donation Goal
How many hours would you like to donate per month?
Without amazing volunteers, food banks simply wouldn’t exist
You'll help to support hundreds of thousands of people in crisis each year
A few days a week, or a few hours a month, your support can make a real difference
Other Donation Goal
How much extra help would you like to donate per month?
We are always short of carboard boxes and frequently have to purchase them!
Allow notifications
Allow Emails
Allow location
Fast-Track Notifications
What is this?
When to notify:
PROBLEM:Your device is not set to allow us to notify you when you enter supermarkets
PROBLEM:Your device is not set to allow us to notify you when you enter supermarkets
Click the button above to load your device settings and ensure:
• Click Location and set to ‘always’
• Click Notificiations and set to ‘allow’
Click the button above to load your device settings and scroll down to “permissions”:
• Make sure “location” is allowed and on
• Make sure “Notificiations” are allowed
IMPORTANT: To ensure you can get notifications all the time, please ensure you have location set to “always allowed”. Click check settings below to confirm
IMPORTANT: Many phones have a strict battery management facility. If you are finding that sometime you are not getting notification, you can set the BankTheFood app to not be part of the battery managemnet system.
Override check settings below to confirm:
Your Local foodbank
Foodbank Needs
Supermakets/Collection Points
Foodbank Details
Add another Foodbank
Food and Hygiene
Urgently need
Running Low
Well Stocked
Add any volunteering time in here:
Time worked (hours)
Thank you for donating your time. Your doing wonderful work!
Add any other items in here:
Number of other items donated
Thank you for donating your other items. Your doing wonderful work!
Add cash donation in here:
Amount of cash donated
Thank you for your donating. It's gone to a great cause!